Demo: A section in another sections

Welcome to Demo: A section in another sections

Downloadable area

Welcome to our downloadable area

The End

include_once( 'includes/pTemplate.php' );
$downloadable_area = true;

if( $user_type['VIP']==VIP ) {
	$vip_area = true;
	if( $user_type['PLATIUM']==PLATIUM ) {
		$platium_area = true;
$pTemplate->add_file( 'templates/section_in_sections.html' );
$output = $pTemplate->pparse_file( 'templates/section_in_sections.html' );
$pTemplate->pparse( $output );
echo $output;
Downloadable area
<!-- START_SECTION downloadable_area -->
<p>Welcome to our downloadable area</p>

	<!-- START_SUB vip_area -->
	<p>This area is for VIP only</p>

		<!-- START_CHILD platium_area -->
		<p>And this area is for platium only</p>
		<!-- STOP_CHILD platium_area -->

	<!-- STOP_SUB vip_area -->

<!-- STOP_SECTION downloadable_area -->

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